Disposable mattresses/covers Maxi-Therm/Maxi-Therm Lite


Disposable mattresses/covers Maxi-Therm/Maxi-Therm Lite CS-876/CS-276

Maxi-Therm and Maxi-Therm Lite disposable mattresses and covers (economical version) can be used for applications with devices where water is the warm transfer medium. The use of these accessories is economical and does not require disinfection or sterilization of the used accessories.
Mattresses/covers can be used under or on the patient, and a special design allows even a mattress on which the patient is already lying to be filled up with water.

Maxi-Therm Lite mattresses come in the following sizes:

  • Adult mattress – 635 x 1626 mm
  • Children mattress – 635 x 838 mm
  • Mattress for newborns – 318 x 457 mm

Maxi-Therm mattresses come in the following sizes:

  • Adult mattress – 610 x 1524 mm
  • Children mattress – 559 x 762 mm
  • Mattress for newborns – 305 x 457 mm